Coronavirus Update

The Community Wood Recycling network is following government guidelines on suspending activities.
If you are from a company and we provide your waste wood collection service or you would like to work with us in the future, you can contact our staff working from home on 01273 203040, or email
Since the beginning of the year our network has collected 4,000 tonnes of wood for reuse and recycling, saving CO2 emissions and creating jobs and training for disadvantaged people. We are looking forward to playing our part in the future by helping to save precious resources, making the construction sector more environmentally friendly and getting people back to work.
If you’re someone who likes what they see and wants to get involved when the time is right, have a look at this website (our new website launch is on hold but the current version has lots of useful information) or connect with us on Facebook or Twitter. We will be welcoming people who want to support their local community wood recycling project by volunteering, as well as those who would like to fight waste by buying reclaimed wood and products from our network.
As we take a pause to help our country beat the virus, we would like to thank everyone who has supported us over the past months and years. We are looking forward to getting back to work as soon as the time is right.