NCWRP is named UK’s fastest growing social enterprise

By Published On: June 1, 2010Categories: Network news

The NCWRP came out top on the recently compiled RBS SE100 fastest growing social enterprise index. We were also narrowly pipped to the post of being named the inaugural RBS SE100 growth champion at a prestigious awards ceremony in London on June 9th. We would like to congratulate Mow & Grow for deservedly winning the growth award, and also congratulate the FRC Group, and the Create Foundation for winning the impact and trailblazers awards respectively. Our congratulations also go to the other nominated social enterprises, and our thanks go to Social Enterprise magazine and the RBS as well as all the other partners and sponsors involved. But what is the RBS SE100 all about I hear you say? Read on for a quick explanation…


There are currently 55,000 social enterprises in the UK with a combined turnover of £27bn, according to government figures. Impressive – yet research for the Cabinet Office revealed in 2008 that although the idea of business with a social purpose chimes well with many audiences, these statistics stand largely alone. Very few people actually know that social enterprises exist and those who do often misunderstand the concept.

Social Enterprise, the UK’s only magazine dedicated to the sector, in partnership with RBS, has developed the RBS SE100 Index to forge a better understanding, within the sector and amongst the wider public, of the organisations that identify themselves as social enterprises in the UK.

Click here to read the full report

SE100 website link